Why was I not shedding a tear for my (not so) little pigs?!
I went in to see them after he'd gone & gave them a little scratch & a stroke. They were both behaving themselves - they're so cute when they're like that - all warm & snuggled in their straw. They were trying to look me in the eye. I tried to avoid contact! As much as I'm fine about all of this now, it still feels very strange going through this process - sending a perfectly healthy live animal to it's death. Having said that, I've made a list already of how I want Edward to be butchered. Tubbs'll be the wedding feast, but Rock Steady's going to be our main meat supply for hopefully a good few months to come. Sounds very clinical doesn't it? But, that's the way it is & I'm actually looking forward to tasting them. I'm hoping they'll be vastly different to any other pork I've ever had. If they're not, I'll be mightily pissed off, I can tell you!
I'll call the lady at the college on Tuesday to arrange to pick out a couple of newbies. I want some chickens as well. They can all live in the barn together. I'd like to rescue a few hens from the Battery Hen Welfare Trust. I thought that might boost my somewhat depleted karma after E & T have gone to piggy heaven...
Took a photo of Halle Berry last night. She's been jumping in the log basket lately & having a rummage before jumping out again. We thought she might have been going in there to poo, but luckily she isn't. Don't know what fun she has - there are probably spiders in there that she eats. Anyway, I managed to catch her before she jumped out - quite a funny photo. She looks evil!

Speak soon.
VP x
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