Thursday, 3 January 2008

Arghh!!!! My babies want to have babies!

An horrific event occurred yesterday. I caught Edward on top of Tubbs. Yes, I know. They're far too young and not only that, it's incestuous! Naughty little pigs. Consequently, I'm now extremely concerned that it wont be long before they 'get it right' and I have a litter of mutant piglets on my hands! As tasty as an extra leg or two might be, I don't know that I should be encouraging such behaviour...

I've asked my Accidental Smallholder friends for their advice. So far, it seems that the only thing I can do is send them off early, before Rock Steady Eddie becomes fully mature. This saddens me as it'll have to be around 5 months to be sure. I really don't want to send them off that soon - that takes them to the end of March & they wont have had the pleasure of the warm sunshine on their backs... I know I can't send just him off either as Tubbs'll be distraught. What a dilemma. The first one of my pig-keeping experience so far and so soon! I'm going to call in at the farm to see what they have to say on the matter. Keep your fingers (and your legs Tubbs, if you're listening!) crossed for me. And the little ones of course.

Will keep you posted....

VP x

PS It's seriously snowed here - it looks like a magical winter wonderland outside

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