Sunday, 27 January 2008

I sense another death at the Burn....

Took a booking today for August. Twinkle, a little cat who has been near to death the last few times she's been to stay. Her owners drop her off with detailed instructions on what to do should she peg it while they're away enjoying themselves on what's usually a very long holiday. Luckily, burial isn't involved. Anyway, Twinkle survived her last 'vacation' and it turns out she's still alive and kicking. Well, I don't know about kicking, she could barely walk when they took her home last time, but apparently she's 'full of spirit' at home. Yeah, right. Poor little thing, she's incontinent (not nice for her & especially not nice for me when I have to clean her out every day), her food has to be cut up so tiny because she practically has to suck it down and she drinks loads - a sure sign her kidneys are failing. I really hope they do the decent thing and put her to sleep before she comes. It's horrible to think that people are prepared to leave their pets when they know they're fragile and could possibly die. It's very selfish of them and it makes me really angry.... grrrr...

VP x

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