Thursday, 24 January 2008

My mood & the clouds have lifted!

Woo hoo! The sun is shining! For how long, I'm not sure, but Edward, Tubbs & me are enjoying the moment while it lasts. I've been away for a couple of days, in spirit as well as body, but I'm back today and we've been having a whale of a time out on their patch. I took a horse brush out with me this morning and gave them both a good old going over with it. At first, I was a bit worried because they were a bit flaky and I though that they must be a bit poorly, but I realised after a little while that it must just be the external layer of dead skin, because when I'd finished, they were gleaming! Tubbs really enjoyed it and was really leaning into the brush, wanting more and more! Little slut. Edward must have sensitive skin as every time I touched him with the brush, his skin moved - inadvertently, because he enjoyed the brushing too, but I think his little nerves must be a lot more sensitive than hers. Ahhh, and then when I'd done brushing them, he laid down in his straw and let me stroke inbetween his eyes and all round his chin and he fell asleep!

When I went outside, they came running out after me and were really sniffing at the clean sunny air - they seemed happy to not be getting wet for a change. Their moods seemed a lot more cheeky once they got outside too - they were both trying to eat my trousers, just above my wellies! They're still small enough to fend off, but I'm not looking forward to the day when they don't respond to my 'scolding voice'! I think I'm going to leave their hatch open tonight - they have plenty of straw to keep them warm and it means they'll (hopefully) go outside to pee & poo so there'll be very little mucking out to do in the morning. I've checked the perimeter of their area to make sure they've not started digging their way out, Great Escape stylie, but they seem to be quite happy, so they should still be there in the morning! If they're not, they wont have got far - there's a garth one side of their patch and a fenced field the other, which is our field and which doesn't have any livestock in it at the moment (a family friend sometimes puts his sheep in there), so if they do manage to make a bid for freedom, I'll be able to round them up from somewhere tomorrow.

I have to go get showered now - yes, I know it's nearly 11:30, but when you have to muck out pigs and scoop dog turds, it seems a little silly to get clean first thing... I'm off to my 'proper' job this afternoon where I have to look and smell like a human.

Speak soon.

VP x


Malcolm Cinnamond said...

Trouser nibbling is just the start. I've been away a week and Sal says our two are getting out of hand, trying hard to bust through the hurdle/rock/nailed in planks that keep them in. They're quite big and I've found I have to be quite physical. . . actually, really physical. Swearing loudly also seems to help.

Virgin Porker said...

Hey Malc - it's getting worse by the day. Edward's not too bad actually, but Tubbs really wants to go for me at times! I do get quite scared if I'm honest! They seem to grow by day too, I know it's not long before I'll just be going in there to sort out food & water - sod the brushes and scratches behind the ears!