We have had some hair-raising weather here the last few days! Literally! But, we've all survived and the buildings are all still standing. Phew. Hopefully, it's settled down now. Luckily, we didn't have rain with it this time. Now that would have been interesting....
We had a good old clean out of the barn today. The pigs evidently have some rodent friends keeping them company at night. I suppose where there's food and livestock, you're always going to get mice and rats, but today Jack put some galvanised metal over the hole they've been using to burrow in from the outside & we hosed everywhere down and put feed bags & veggies in bins so that the rodents can't get at them. We cleaned all the straw off the floor of the barn so it'll be easier to see any bits of food that have been tipped over the edge of the trough & I know Edward & Tubbs clean their trough. They just have a big pile of straw on their raised bed area now. I'm hoping that doing all of this will discourage the rats from coming in. We'll see.
They seem to be growing by the day at the moment - I took some more pictures of them, as well as the barn so you can get an idea of where they live. The barn looks dingy in these photos - it must just be the camera flash, it's a lot brighter in there than it looks. There are a few windows that let natural light in & I'm leaving the hatch open permanently now, so E & T have constant access to the outside. The seem a lot happier & are definitely a lot less messy. Praise be!
VP x

Edward and Tubbs' quarters look terrific - Eric and Ernie have to rough it in an old battery hen shed - we removed and smashed the cages (very satisfying), while the deep litter has made great compost for the veg garden.
I suppose where they're living is pretty good - they don't have the whole barn though - as you look in it from the front (ivy-covered bit), they have the far right hand corner. It's a big barn though, so I can easily keep all of their food / cleaning out stuff in there too. And Jeff has his work bench - he likes to tinker with chisels and man stuff... I'm pretty sure they have more than enough room - if they didn't have the raised area, I could keep a couple more in there with them. Maybe I will when they go... I am very lucky though, this is all of Jeff's mum & dad's land & buildings. If it wasn't for them, I would never have been able to do all of this. I'm sure Eric & Ern are more than happy in their shed - they've got you & Sal, and that can't be a bad thing.
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